a game coming in summer 2017!!!!!!!

Yo - Good Pigs of All Nations, UNITE and Fight against REAL pigs in the...

Very good comrade, you have joined the revolution and I will let you know once the beta-test will start.
Oops! Something went wrong, I've no idea what!?!

AweSOME Features:
- fight REAL pigs (from the art world)
- join our friend BADDY DOLLY JANE!
- travel the dirtiest art pigsties in the world
- DESTROY expensive stuff
- Spend MORE time on pigPAD, pigPHONE and Android-something
- NO ridiculous green pigs

Pigsties (Screenshots !!!!)

Ok, so the pigsties... We all have been there: Art Basel, Moma, Guggiheim, PS1 (where Klausi started his "carreer", MUseumsquartier Vienna, Kunstahlle Vienna, MuMOK!!! London Tate Modern - even from the inside, also Serpentine Gallery, Martin Gropius, Volksbühne Berlin and the "KW"!!! But that's not all - for more you have to check it out at your pigPad oder Androidsomething...

Very good comrade, you have joined the revolution and I will let you know once the beta-test will start. OINK OINK OINK!!!
Oops! Something went wrong WHAAAAAAAAAATTTT?????!?!?!?!?!
Damien Hurst Skulls

REAL Pigs (and they are not green!!!!)

Ai Wei WeiKanye WestHans Ulrich ObristKlaus BiesenbachJeff Koons

Heyo - check this out: we do have the real piggies from the
art world!!! We can offer a wide range like Ai Weiwei, Hans Ulrich Obrist,Klausi Biesenbach (the one who tries to be a "celeb"), Jeff Koons, Kanye West, Marian Goodman, Jay Joplin, Liam Gillick, Sprueth Magers, Udo the Kittelmann (ok, he is actually green), Marc Spiegler, John Currin, Larry
Gagosian, Ivan Wirth etc.. But that's not all - for more you have to check it out at your pigPad oder Androidsomething... 

Expensive stuff you can destroy (EXAMPLES!!)

Campbells soup Andy WarholJeff Koons HearShark tank by Damien HirstFoucaultMalevich

Have you ever dreamed of destroying expensive stuff?? Now you can do so and support the freedom of art!!! Look at this: A soup can, a pink heart, a stupid shark, a book made by the so called "Foucault" and a black square in 3D!!!

But that's not all - for more you have to check it out at your
pigPad oder Androidsomething...

My (game) HERO: Baddy Dolly Jane!!!!!!!!

John Currin
Baddy is my BIG Hero!!! She makes cool art Stuff like: attacking a super-perverted art guy (John currin) with a cucumber (symbol for a large pickle)
Boris Groys
... or arresting a fucking boring art critic (can't remember his name) at the so called "Tate Modern". (Look at his funny nose + he has a strange accent)
But the best thing about her: She's sooo 100% sexy!!! Oink, Oink!!